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Midlife Manoeuvres: How to Invigorate and Innovate Your Midlife

September 04, 202427 min read
Midlife Manoeuvres- image of WHAT Model for Midlife Mastership Coaching Programme- Highlighting Invigoration


Hello Beautiful People, and welcome back to Midlife Manoeuvres! Ever wondered how to avoid stagnation in midlife? We often think we know the outcome without even trying. Discover why taking steps to invigorate your life is the better path forward.

When I've faced feelings of stagnation, making adjustments to the what I'm doing, or the the way I've been doing them, has been the key to moving forwards. Like when I hit a creative 'wall'. Historically I would have just kept pegging away to the point of exhaustion. Now, I take it as a signal that I need to to do something 'else'. Walking, journaling, meditation. Something to empty my head, and sooth my spirit. So I can return vitalised.

Getting out of autopilot and reviewing things openly with fresh eyes can kick start many things, not just a creative desert. By midlife, many of us have started to imagine that we 'know' how things will turn out. We've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. But that's not always true. We've gained experience since the last attempt, we can perceive alternative perspectives, try a different way. If we're truly open to ALL our choices we can often find some 'wiggle room'. A way to invigorate and innovate a new path onwards.

What is the Meaning of Invigorate?

'Invigorate' has Latin roots, meaning “to be strong” or “to flourish.” Over time, the term “invigorate” evolved to convey the sense of revitalising or energising something or someone, often in a physical or mental sense.

I tend to link it with shaking things up. As Einstein said, you can't keep doing the same things and expect different results. We need to be prepared to take a step backwards, and see the whole picture, not just the irritant. Being open plays a big part too. Sometimes we need to go back to basics and relearn from scratch. See all the options.

Invigorating experiences in midlife can help us rediscover and recommit to our passions and values, leading to a sense of purpose and direction. This can be achieved through:

1. Embracing Change and Transition - Invigorating experiences can also help us navigate the challenges of midlife transitions, such as:

  • Letting go of outdated identities or roles, and embracing new ones.

  • Re-evaluating priorities and relationships, and making intentional choices about how to invest our time and energy.

  • Finding ways to stay engaged and motivated, even in the face of uncertainty or change.

  • For me, my decision to go travelling has been a game-changer. My overall goals remain the same but I'm now seeing different places and experiencing different ways of living. I'm trying out a new lifestyle.

2. Cultivating Inner Strength and Resilience - Invigorating experiences can foster inner growth and resilience, enabling us to:

  • Develop a greater sense of self-awareness and confidence.

  • Build emotional intelligence and coping skills.

  • Cultivate a growth mindset, embracing challenges and viewing our setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

  • In my life a shift in mindset is finding me actively looking for what takeaways I can discover following mishaps and detours. I curse, throw my hands up in the air, and then just get on with it. There's always something I can add to my 'living my life, my way' toolkit!

3. Reconnecting with Nature and Community - Invigorating experiences can also involve reconnecting with nature and community, such as:

  • Engaging in outdoor activities, like hiking or gardening, to cultivate a sense of connection and awe with nature.

  • Building or rekindling relationships with those who share our values and interests.

  • Participating in group activities or community initiatives that foster our sense of belonging and purpose

  • For me getting out in nature is the gift that just keeps giving. Being outside not only blows the cobwebs away, it inspires and energises me. I aim to go for a good walk daily, it really nourishes me.

Pause for thought: Can you remember a time when you broke away from what you thought you knew? What difference did it make?

We can invigorate our world in many ways. We can explore new hobbies or interests. Reflect on past experiences and identify what has brought us joy and fulfilment. Set goals that align with our values and passions, and then take intentional steps towards achieving them. The main thing is to aim to see things as we haven't before. With a childlike sense of wonderment.

Hopefully these ideas have stimulated your interest interest in introducing some invigoration and innovation into your life. Before we review the practical strategies which we can incorporate, let's take a look at the potential obstacles we may face.

image- Vera Nazrian quotation - Suddenly, you know you are alive

Why Don't More of us Seek to Invigorate Our Lives?

I know that when I've held back from changing things up, it's been as a result of my telling myself that the unknown is harder and more uncertain. What if it all goes pear-shaped? I know I've stayed in a few jobs well past their sell by date because somehow the 'known' seemed safer. It didn't work out well for me!

Here are some potential reasons why we may not seek to invigorate our lives:

1. Lack of Purpose:

  • Many of us can sometimes feel unfulfilled or disconnected from our work and personal lives, leading to a sense of stagnation. For me this has led to searching for ways I can enjoy what I'm doing or feel passionate about. Something meaningful to me.

2. Fear and Complacency:

  • We may be held back by fear of change or uncertainty. Feeling so 'comfortable' with the 'uncomfortable' that we lack the motivation to seek invigoration. This complacency can be perpetuated by a fear of failure. Sometimes we have a somewhat false sense of security in our current circumstances. I now know that when I'm feeling consistently drained, change is NECESSARY.

3. Lack of Awareness or Inspiration:

  • We may not know how to invigorate our lives or need inspiration and guidance to take the first step. For me part of rediscovering what makes me tick has been to look back over my life and remember when I've been most happy, and what has brought me the most joy. A lot of what we love can be simple, ordinary, things like spending time outdoors, laughing, or a comfy pair of shoes.

4. Societal Conformity:

  • Cultural expectations can dictate how we believe we should behave, dress, and interact, limiting our self expression and preventing us from pursuing personal interests. For instance, our family may set our early cultural expectations, such as the way in which we will make our living, and this might not align with our own true desires. Admittedly, my own teenage pronouncement that I wanted to be a beach bum was a little tongue in cheek, and yet I've found a way to approximate that desire now.

.5. Traditional Gender Roles:

  • Social norms and religious beliefs can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, restricting us from pursuing our passions and interests. This can lead to disconnection and stagnation. If it's something that lights us up, we probably ought to find a way doing it, whatever 'society' thinks!

6. Culture of Silence:

  • Unspoken norms can create an environment in which we feel pressured to conform, rather than speaking up for ourselves and pursuing our true desires. This type of silence can be particularly damaging when it comes to issues like mental health. Not all of us have dreamed of having a home, family, and white picket fence for instance. We're all unique, and we need to treasure our uniqueness and try out our own way of being.

These factors can contribute to a sense of stagnation and prevent us from seeking to invigorate ourselves. But we're all different. We can usually understand our own motivations better if we reflect or meditate on them. Whatever the reason, we can get past it when we choose to.

Pause for thought: Do you recognise any of these reasons at play in your life? What subtle shifts could you make to get past it?

Understanding these barriers is the first step. Now, let’s explore how we can break through them and invigorate our lives. A great place to begin is consider how these invigorating innovations can impact our sense of purpose and identity. Let's take a look.

image- Elliot Page quotation - Its so learn something completely new from the bottom up

Can Invigorating Experiences Influence Our Sense of Purpose and Identity in Midlife?

When we invigorate our lives, we can influence our sense of purpose and identity by prompting a re-evaluation of pre-midlife life goals and values.

In my life I realised that I could either continue to pursue a non-productive work cycle which was making me unhappy, or seek a different way of living. Something untried, and untested, but which I believed I could do. And re-prioritising the importance of being true to myself sent me in a completely different direction which has placed the emphasis on living with greater freedom.

Let's take a closer look at some of the ways in which invigoration can influence us:

Influence a Renewed Sense of Purpose

  • Re-Prioritise: Midlife changes can encourage us to re-examine our priorities, as we focus on what truly matters to us, and align our goals and values with our evolving sense of self. Like doing a 'strengths' evaluation and discerning whether what we're currently doing still really matters to us.

  • Discover New Passions: We can uncover hidden talents, interests, or passions, bringing a sense of purpose and direction that may not have been present earlier on. Like learning something new which turns out to be something that we not only love doing, but we really excel at.

  • Integrate Past and Present: Our midlife experiences can help us integrate our past achievements and values with our current desires and aspirations. Like when we can see how an old passion project can be useful and helpful in our life today.

Influence on Pre-midlife Life Goals and Values

  • Adjustments: As we re-evaluate our priorities, we can adjust our goals and values to better align with our new sense of self. Like when we choose to pursue projects or recreational pursuits that fill us with enthusiasm and va-va-voom.

  • New goals emerge: Invigorating experiences can inspire new goals and aspirations that we might not considered before. Like when we chase down a long-held dream or see how we can create a positive impact on our community.

  • Values refinement: Midlife experiences can refine our values, leading to a greater sense of authenticity and purpose. Like when look for fresh ways to align our actions and goals with what truly matters to us.

So it's clear that invigoration in midlife can have an important impact on re-evaluating our sense of purpose and identity, as well as our potential for growth, adaptation, and renewal. What a bonus!

Pause for thought: Can you recall a time when refreshing the way you approach things caused you to re-evaluate your current trajectory? What did you learn from the experience?

Now, with a deeper understanding of what we can gain by invigorating our lives, let's take a look at some morning strategies and start our day as if we mean to go on. Living our lives with greater intention is invigorating in itself!

image- Jason Moran quotation- truthful music that is invigorating

Morning Revival Strategies

Often the best way to introduce a new habit can be to do it at the start of the day, and in this instance it means that we begin the day on the right foot. I know for myself, when I kick-off the day in the right way my momentum for the rest of the day is exponential. My mood feels the benefit too because I'm starting out on my terms, and in my own good time!

By incorporating these ideas for your morning routine, you can create a more relaxed, focused, and energised start to your day:

  1. Prepare the Night Before: Tackle important to-dos like choosing tomorrow’s clothes, packing what you'll need, and preparing a simple, tasty lunch. This reduces morning stress and gives us a sense of control.

  2. Write Down Your Tasks: Jot down important morning tasks the night before and keep the list somewhere visible. This helps us to focus and ensure nothing crucial is overlooked.

  3. Wake Up 10 Minutes Earlier: Gradually adjust your wake-up time to give yourself a buffer for a relaxing morning routine. Choose an alarm clock or app that gently rouses you, or perhaps invest in simulating a sunrise to ease into the day.

  4. Stretch and Move: Start with a full-body stretch in bed, then incorporate a short exercise routine or a brisk walk to boost energy and mood. Goodbye grogginess!

  5. Focus on the Present: Practice mindfulness while brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Pay attention to each step, and release other thoughts. The simple act of focusing is a great mood builder.

  6. Meditate: Dedicate a few minutes to meditation, focusing on your breath and gently bringing your mind back to the present when it wanders. This can help us to reduce stress and increase calmness. It's a habit that you can start with a minute of your time but which can become the backbone of your day.

  7. Gratitude Practice: Take a moment each morning to think of something or someone you’re grateful for. Write it down in a journal, look at photos, or send a thank-you text. Gratitude is a great way to feel uplifted and to cultivate a more positive mindset.

  8. Hydrate: Drink a large glass of water as soon as you wake up to rehydrate after a night of sleep. It's a fabulous way to increase energy and alertness. And your body will love you for it!

  9. Nourish Your Body: Eat a healthy breakfast and give yourself energy, focus, and boost your well-being. Choose foods that work for you, and consider meal prep or simple recipes to make tasty mornings easier.

  10. Set a Positive Tone: Start your day with uplifting music or a motivational playlist to boost your mood and energy. This can be a powerful way to revitalise your mornings and it sets a positive tone for the whole day.

Infographic: Morning Revival Strategies - CLICK HERE to download.

Adjusting your mornings can be a great way to create a big shift by subtle means. The way we initiate our morning can help to set the tone for the rest of the day. I aim to start my day with a few minutes of prayer, affirmations, or a short expressive story. It's a very calming and peaceful way to ease into the morning meaningfully. And we owe ourselves a little gentleness if we're to get the most out of the day!

Pause for thought: What is something that you could introduce to the start of the day that is both easy and calming?

These are all great ways to begin a normal day, but what can we do when we're frazzled and exhausted before we even begin? Sometimes even the idea of 'energising' can make us curl up in a ball and search for our 'off' switch. Let's check out some alternatives!

Midlife Manoeuvres- Infographic - Morning Revival Strategies

Rebound Strategies for Exhaustion Relief

Midlife can sometimes bring an avalanche of change, and we might be tempted to keep pushing at difficulties until we're quite literally exhausted. I know when I lost my job at 50 my initial response was to just keep determinedly looking for answers. Eventually my body called for me to stop and I had to put most of my efforts into self-care, and feeling better.

Here are some suggestions to help you bounce back from exhaustion:

Prioritise Activities Outside of Work: According to a study, shifting elements within our work can help reduce burnout, but recovery activities outside of work can make a bigger difference. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation!

Find Optimal Renewal Activities: Research suggests that certain activities, such as meditation, mindfulness, and sleep, can be particularly effective for reducing burnout, increasing energy and boosting wellbeing. We just need to experiment and see what hits the spot!

Connect With Others Selectively: When feeling frazzled, it’s easy to isolate. Instead, we can choose to focus on building connections with others who support and uplift us. Find the people who energise us, not drain us!

Taking Care of Physical Health: Engaging in activities that keep our body in good shape, such as fun exercise, healthier eating, and good sleep can help us recover from stress and burnout. When we invest in bodies, they give right back to us!

Practicing Self-Care and Discipline: Recovery from burnout requires discipline and rest. Setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, and allowing ourselves time to recharge can make all the difference. A little self TLC really helps.

To recap, managing stress is crucial for maintaining mental health and wellbeing. Quality sleep is essential for processing and releasing the events of our waking life. It also helps to control stress hormones that support recovery. We need to remember that getting better is a process that needs patience, discipline, and rest. It's important to be kind and gentle with ourselves. Let's focus on taking small, purposeful steps towards wellness.

Pause for thought: What practices can you introduce to be kind to yourself and shift back towards wellness?

Once we're in a place to move forwards more healthily and freely we can consider the ways in which we can maintain this momentum, and keep moving onwards. Let's discuss a few ideas that can support us in this.

image- Jazz Feylynn quotation - my thoughts...are always invigorating

Maintaining Momentum: Stagnation-Proof Strategies

Once we've begun our invigoration process we can sustain momentum and avoid stagnation, by incorporating a few strategies into our routine. For me, the two biggies so far have been taking small consistent steps, and continuous learning. But I am slowly but surely learning to focus on progress rather than perfection, and I am whole lot better than I was in nourishing myself!

Let's take a closer look at how we can 'stagnation-proof' our midlife:

1. Take Small, Consistent Action:

  • Break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks and commit to completing one task daily. This builds momentum and creates a sense of accomplishment.

  • I'm a huge fan of this one, because it's amazing how many times taking even the smallest of steps has nudged me into making making bigger wins. Like when I've promised myself to pack up a single box, and been able to complete a whole room once I've got going.

2. Schedule Momentum Time:

  • Allocate a period daily to focus on goals. This dedicated time helps maintain momentum and makes it a habit.

  • Even a few minutes to take stock of what has been achieved and to evaluate my next best win has helped me to catch things that might have dropped between the cracks and achieve a smoother process overall.

3. Learn and Educate:

  • Continuously learn about the activity or task in hand. This builds confidence, creates neural pathways, and helps maintain momentum.

  • I've lost count of the amount of times a little research has saved me a mountain of time! It has the added benefit of sparking my curiosity in other directions too. Continuous learning is the key to keeping things fresh in pretty much any area of my life.

4. Create a Routine:

  • Establish a consistent routine, including small steps towards goals. This helps embed habits and build regularity.

  • For me it's my morning routine that ups my game. I like to ease into the day gently with a prayer and a short story with a message. A few gentle stretches and a glass of water later, I'm ready to enjoy breakfast and then a shower before launching into my day!

5. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection:

  • Celebrate small wins and acknowledge progress, rather than waiting for perfection. This mindset helps maintain momentum and reduces frustration.

  • This one really rings a bell for me, because if I'm not careful I just keep pushing! I'm currently training myself to let things go after a few tries. I know full well that when I make my next attempt I will have learned something that I can use to improve my efforts.

6. Nourish Yourself:

  • Prioritise self-care, including physical and mental well-being. A healthy and energised self is better equipped to maintain momentum.

  • For me it's about preparing my own meals (most of the time!) and daily walks and stretches. I've found that incorporating a couple short videos to follow really gets the job done fairly effortlessly. There's not doubt in my mind that this keeps me ticking along nicely, along with recording my gratitude to steer my thoughts and uplift me.

7. Communicate with Your Support Network:

  • Share goals and progress with trusted friends and family. This helps maintain accountability and provides a sense of community.

  • I love to share my progress with my nephew. He's my best cheerleader and chatting with him about what I'm doing and what I'm aiming to try next makes me feel great. He's supportive and encouraging which is just what the Doctor ordered as far as I'm concerned. While it's wonderful to be my own best friend, it's the cherry on top to have someone who loves me on my side too!

8. Find the Silver Lining:

  • Focus on the learning aspects of challenging situations and find opportunities for growth. This mindset helps maintain momentum and resilience.

  • For me this where my gratitude journaling truly shines. Writing my gratitude in response to random prompts provided by my Gratitude app really keeps me on my toes. I'm encouraged to look for what's good in all aspects of my life and it really helps me to steer my mindset towards growth and positivity.

Incorporating strategies such as these makes us better equipped to maintain momentum and avoid stagnation, which leads to our achieving goals and living a more successful, and fulfilling lives.

Pause for thought: Can you identify which strategies here can lend themselves best to your life? Why not start today?!

These ideas are all great for helping us to maintain momentum and generally invigorate ourselves, but what if it's our state of mind that's feeling stuck or fuzzy? Let's examine some ways in which we can invigorate our mental wellbeing next.

image- Channing Dungey Quotation- and creatively invigorating

Boosting Mental Vigour

It's not unusual to find that when we want to invigorate our lives, that it's our thoughts that can get in the way. We might find ourselves chasing round the same old mental loops, because we can't seem to find the exit.

I know that my own mind has put the brakes on a lot of my ideas. Essentially that is how it is biologically designed, to protect us. By maintaining the status quo, and keeping to the 'known'. I would think 'I want to try living abroad' and this would be immediately followed by half a dozen reasons why I couldn't.

Here are a selection of practices which not only look at invigorating our mind, but also at getting to know ourselves, and sometimes our biases better:

  1. Power Naps: Take a short nap of 15-20 minutes to recharge and refresh the mind. This can be more effective than a cup of coffee or energy drink. Kapow!

  2. Physical Movement: Any form of exercise, be it a a walk, jog, or cardio, can increase our heart rate and get our blood flowing. This releases endorphins, and provides a natural energy boost. If in doubt, try something that's fun, or feels good.

  3. Mental Exercise: Challenge your brain with mental exercises, such as puzzles, brain teasers, or learning a new skill. This helps build our cognitive reserve and can improve focus, concentration, and mindfulness. Choose something that really absorbs you.

  4. Mindfulness Meditation: Dedicate time to quiet, focused meditation, letting go of thoughts and achieving a state of pure mindfulness. Regular meditation can give us greater focus, concentration, and mindfulness. We only realise how fast our mind is buzzing when we bring them to a full-stop!

  5. Conscious Awareness: Recognise and acknowledge thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. We can then work through them rationally and make conscious decisions. This helps us to maintain a healthy mind-body connection.

  6. Unconscious Awareness: Acknowledge and explore repressed thoughts, memories, or urges. This allows us to then process and integrate them into conscious awareness. Doing this can increase self-awareness and emotional balance. To enjoy a calmer way of being.

Infographic: 6 Ways to Boost Mental Vigour - CLICK HERE to download.

Do any of these suggestions look particularly good to you? Any of these ideas can energise our thoughts, improve our mental clarity, and enhance our overall well-being. They're all invigorating!

Pause for thought: Have you noticed any circumstances that are mentally draining for you? Which of these suggestions could give you a boost?

Now we've checked out some morning strategies and seen how we can boost our mental wellbeing, in our final section today we're going to look at some great general invigoration methods. A selection of simple suggestions we can get started with now!

Midlife Manoeuvres- Infographic - 6 Ways to Boost Mental Vigour

Midlife Revitalisation Strategies

These are some of the easiest and most beneficial strategies you can apply to invigorate your midlife world:

1. Focus on Appreciation 

  • Take time to acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life, no matter how small they may seem. This mindset shift can help counterbalance apathy and encourage daily actions towards shaping your life.

  • For me gratitude journaling has been a godsend, and it's really easy to implement.
    Notice peoples kindness, it improves your mood. Make it a ritual that encourages you to pause and reflect on blessings. Tune into the positive, no matter how small, it's always there. Be specific and authentic, you can 'relive' what it is you're grateful for. Do it sincerely and you'll always feel uplifted. You can be grateful about people, places, things, experiences, feelings, values, qualities, past memories, and future dreams,

2. Prioritise Self-Care 

  • Make time for activities that bring joy and relaxation. Whether it’s reading, exercise, or meditation, prioritise your mental and physical well-being.

  • For me practicing self-compassion has been very helpful. Aim to treat yourself with the same kindness as you would a friend. Reframe negative self-talk and remind yourself you're doing best you can. Try self-soothing activities like a warm bath and soft music. Recognise you're not alone in your struggles and that we all face difficulties. Forgive yourself and let release self-criticism, mistakes are the way that we learn and grow. Spend time with positive people who uplift and support you. Ask for help when you need it.

3. Practice Progressive Relaxation

  • This technique can help you to manage stress in a simple way.

  • Begin with breathing in slow deep breaths, as this is calming. Then systematically work through your body tensing and releasing muscles, one group at a time. Aim to hold for around five seconds and focus on each one individually. The relaxation will seep through your body until you're utterly peaceful and calm. It can be helpful to listen to a guided meditation or healing music as you do this.

4. Practice Positive Affirmation

  • Harnessing the power of positive affirmations can help you to transform your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours when you practice regularly.

  • Affirmations are best when they're personal. If you don't know where to begin, Google for one in the area you wish, and then tweak it to fit you. You need to believe what you're saying. Using 'I choose' can be a helpful way to transition to a more empowered mindset and focusing on feelings, 'I feel' makes them more powerful. Consistency is key here, repeating your affirmation regularly throughout the day for at least 30 days is essential to making it become your default way of thinking.

5. Creative Expression

  • This is wonderful way to rediscover old joys and new passions.

  • Be true to yourself and let your unique voice shine through in your creative expression. Don’t try to conform to external expectations or trends; just explore your inner world. Try different mediums like writing, music, art, speech, or any other outlet that resonates with you. You can draw inspiration from your personal experiences, emotions, and observations. Allow yourself to take risks and try new things, even if they don’t work out as planned. Embrace the imperfections and quirks that make your work unique.

6. Breathwork

  • Breathwork is a great way to focus on the present moment and can be undertaken almost anywhere.

  • Focusing on your breath can distract and calm yourself. Breathing from your belly is a good way to engage your stomach, abdomen, and diaphragm to fill your lungs with more air. It’s effective in relaxing you and reducing stress. 4-7-8 Breathing is a technique involves inhaling for a count of four, holding your breath for a count of seven, and exhaling through your mouth for a count of eight. This method can help reduce breathlessness, anxiety, and depression.

7. Engage in Mindfulness

  • This practice zones you into the present moment, freeing you from outer and inner 'noise'.

  • By engaging with the world around you you can lower stress and increase your awareness. Focus on your breath, body, or senses, just sitting quietly and bringing your attention back to the present moment when your mind wanders. Set aside time for mindfulness practice and commit to it, as consistent effort is key to seeing results. You can increase your presence and awareness by practicing mindfulness almost anywhere.

8. Make Meditation a Habit

  • Practicing meditation regularly has a plethora of benefits. Start small and build it gradually. You might need to be a little patient with yourself!

  • Find a space where you can be comfortable and choose an easeful position, either sitting with your feet flat on the floor or laying down. Notice your breathing, and feel the air coming in and out through your nostrils. If your attention wanders, just return to your breathing. There is a wealth of guided meditation recordings and music to help you get started. Starting with even a minute a day can lead to beautiful habit and the dividends are vast.

Infographic: 8 Midlife Revitalisation Strategies - CLICK HERE to download.

By incorporating these tips into your daily life, you can turn midlife into a fresh start, filled with purpose, excitement, and fulfilment. Just pick one to begin with and take it from there. In next to no time you will be experiencing a sense of invigoration in your life.

Pause for thought: Habit building is generally most effective when we build them gradually, stacking new habits onto established ones. Which of these could you most easily slide into your existing schedule?

Today we have reviewed a selection of ideas from how invigorating our lives can benefit us, and what might be preventing us to strategies we can incorporate in the morning, when we're recovering from burnout, and some general habits it could be helpful to incorporate. If you can see any quick wins for your life, start there and and see how you feel as you reap the benefits!

Midlife Manoeuvres- Infographic - Midlife Revitalisation Strategies

Parting Thoughts

Invigoration is the stardust that we can sprinkle over our lives to brighten and enliven even the greyest of vistas. When we invigorate our lives we can enhance our trajectory or even find ourselves setting out on a whole new journey.

In my life, invigorating old perspectives opening myself to new possibilities has led me to my current island adventures. Does it always go smoothly? NO! But am I loving the exploration? HELL YES!

The wins far outweigh the 'losses'. The missteps are just nudges to explore in another direction and stagnation lives in a different universe!

Let’s start invigorating our lives now, a shake up could wake you up to a whole new world!

FREE Downloads

Practical Exercise PDF to Get You Started: CLICK HERE

Infographic: Morning Revival Strategies - CLICK HERE

Infographic: 6 Ways to Boost Mental Vigour - CLICK HERE

Infographic: 8 Midlife Revitalisation Strategies:- CLICK HERE

Your copy of our Midlife Manifesto - CLICK HERE

Curious about how you can invigorate your own midlife journey?

Let’s chat! Book a free exploratory call today: EXPLORATORY CALL


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