grow your mindset dryad

Could a Growth Mindset Grow YOU?

June 03, 20248 min read

Theodore Roosevelt Quote


Have you been feeling stuck in a rut? It can feel like you’re caught on a hamster wheel with no exit.

In my life I keep finding myself running through the same obstacle course every time I started a new job. Starting something new, being somewhere new, learning something new, they were of no obstacle. But the politics of office life was an arena where I could never get a win.

When I finally stopped chasing forwards to the ‘next one’ for me and took stock the realisation slowly dawned that I wasn’t cut out for that environment. It was like arid desert survival for me, constantly having to look out for the next sandstorm.

But acknowledging this and opening myself up to believing there were alternatives for me, finally set me free. I grew.

Growth statistics

What is a Growth Mindset?

Developing a growth mindset can be a true friend in getting you out of whatever rut you might find yourself in. A growth mindset is all about focusing on improving and growing rather than believing that our talents, qualities, and characteristics are fixed.

This mindset allows us to work on developing new skills and talents while also improving existing ones. It’s the idea that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, hard work, and learning from failures.

Having a growth mindset can help us find success in various aspects of our lives, including education, career, and personal relationships. It allows us to approach challenges with a positive attitude, build resilience, and develop a sense of purpose and direction.

By adopting a growth mindset, we can overcome obstacles, achieve our goals, and continue to grow and develop as a person.


The Stepping Stones to Growth

Some tips to help us cultivate a growth mindset include:

1. Reframing Our Thinking

When we’re faced with a challenge or setback, we can try reframing our thinking by adding the sentiment “yet” to our thoughts.

  • Like reframing, “I’m terrible at public speaking.” to “I’m not good at public speaking yet”. This simple change can help you shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

  • For me this has shown up in my impatience to feel fit again. Rather than admonishing myself for not being fit right now, I think “I’m becoming fitter every day” and I know that I am.

When we reframe our thoughts constructively, we lay down the foundations to changing them. We truly are who, and what we think we are. So, we need to make sure that we are framing our thoughts in a way that builds us into who we want to become.

2. Embracing Challenges

We can welcome the unknown and take calculated risks, because growth usually happens outside of our comfort zone.

  • Like when we learn a new subject we’re curious about or try a new activity that gives us butterflies.

  • Until recently I’d never tried ziplining, but on a recent trip I felt butterflies about the huge drop and did it anyway. I felt enough of a buzz to go back a few times!

When we take on fresh challenges, we prove to ourselves that we can do whatever we set our minds to. Action overcomes fear every time. We need to show ourselves we CAN and so we grow.

3. Focusing on Effort, Not Talent

Because when we concentrate on our efforts, we can recognise our abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

  • Like choosing to focus improving ourselves through constructive feedback.

  • I’ve been learning to express myself in different ways, and this has shown up in developing articles, video scripts, motivational poetry, and inspiring images. I’ve learned to love any comments I receive as they feed my next efforts.

When we choose to make ourselves more rounded by building up our weaknesses, we see the true value of our hard work and our talents automatically benefit from this as they are in a better space to grow.

4. Learning from Failure

Because when we choose to view failure as opportunity to learn and grow, we expand. Analysing what went wrong gives us that knowledge to improve next time.

  • Like when we try a new recipe and it’s a flop, we can adjust the timing, quantities, or ingredients.

  • My first attempts at creating videos and shorts have fallen short of my hopes, but as I keep making new ones my aptitude improves and I’ve understood how my earlier ones could have been better.

As we learn from our mistakes, we become increasingly aware of won’t work and better able to see what will. They’re all mini ‘experiments’ contributing to our grand discoveries and growth through life.

5. Seeking Feedback

Because when we’re open to constructive criticism we can identify areas for improvement and advantageously work on developing those skills.

  • Like when we’re launching something new, the comments we receive give us insights into how our efforts have been received and we can infer ideas for enhancement.

  • I love to ask for feedback in whatever I create, because when I hear what others think I get fresh perspectives on how things can look, and work and I can re-imagine what I’m doing with renewed energy.

Feedback is our best friend in understanding what is working well and where we need to consider alternatives. We are given the opportunity to see our efforts through different eyes. An expansive arena for growth.

6. Practicing Mindfulness

Because when we focus on the present we can concentrate on the process, rather than getting caught up in negative self-talk or self-doubt.

  • Like when we’re doing something we love and ‘lose time.’

  • I lose time when I create pictures. I love to play words, pictures, transparency, colours, effects, and impact. I’m unaware of anything but the task in hand. It feels very enjoyable to amuse myself in the moment.

Mindfulness is a means of appreciating the fullness of the moment, all the depth and textures within it. ‘Mindless’ chatter is muted, and we experience peace and satisfaction, a fertile space to grow.

7. Celebrating Progress

Because when we acknowledge our efforts and accomplishments, no matter how small we can use them as motivation to continue growing and developing.

  • Like if we keep track of our progress in a journal, we can review the last week or month and savour our successes.

  • I celebrate my progress on projects that I work on by checking my metrics and savouring the improvements I create. It feels great to see little upticks I’ve made.

Celebrating our wins is like watering our crops of hope and dreams. Recognising how we have already grown helps us to grow more.

8. Surrounding Yourself with Positivity

Because when we’re around people and places that nurture us it motivates us to stay focused on our goals.

  • Like having an accountability buddy and cheering each other on.

  • Recently I took part in an ‘accountability journey’ online. It was very energising to spend time with likeminded others and make inroads into progress with questions, conversations, think-tank ideas, and encouragement.

Being aware of our environment and who and what is influencing us allows us to introduce the best weather for our growth.

9. Staying Curious

Because when we’re curious and open-minded we’re also willing to learn new things and explore new ideas.

  • Like exploring alternative solutions when we hit an obstacle on our path.

  • Whether I’m reading, talking, or watching videos I love to find out more about anything that sparks my interest. This can be a quick fact search or deeper research into something I’m unfamiliar with. Feeding my curiosity is fun!

Curiosity is the sunshine on any of our efforts. The more we find out, the more we grow.

10. Focusing on the Process, Not the Outcome

Because it keeps us aware and allows us to be open to nuances along the way. This will help us stay motivated as we notice our wins and see all the options around us.

  • Like when we’re talking to like-minded others about our plans, and they tell us a story about their experiences. We can gain insights into other alternatives available to us.

  • When I’m working on a new project, I’ve noticed that the more questions I ask, and the more angles I look at, the greater my satisfaction with what I’m doing. Often one idea sparks another I enjoy the buzz of chasing the inklings I receive.

Enjoying the process of living means that we can savour the sidewalks off our main path and learn things that contribute to our bigger picture. Life has a way of teaching us skills on these detours that we will be very glad of later!


What Developing a Growth Mindset Brings to You

When we incorporate practical steps like these into our way of living, we can cultivate a growth mindset that will help us achieve our goals and reach our full potential. By embracing a growth mindset, we can cultivate a sense of curiosity, resilience, and determination that will serve us well throughout our lives.

We can plant our crops whenever we want and nurture them whenever we choose, but if we want to harvest our biggest dreams, and enjoy the bounty of a life well lived we benefit from making consistent effort and taking a break when needed. Even nature pauses.

Developing a growth mindset is a journey, not a destination. Start now and end your day knowing you grew!



Hi, I'm Mel, and I'm thrilled to have you here on my blog! Born in Brazil and raised in the UK, I've always had a deep love for travel and exploring different cultures. My journey took an interesting turn in my teenage years when I moved back to Brazil, sparking a lifelong fascination with diverse lifestyles and the richness they bring to our lives.
In my professional life, I've travelled the globe for work, but it's only now, in midlife, that I'm truly embracing the experience of living abroad once again. My path hasn't always been straightforward. Like many of you, I've faced periods of significant change and challenge—losing my job at 50 was a pivotal moment for me. It led to a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth, teaching me the importance of kindness, compassion, patience, and resilience.
Through this blog, I aim to share the insights and practical steps that have helped me transform my life. I believe in the power of small, consistent steps to create meaningful change—a philosophy rooted in the concept of Kaizen, which translates to "good change" or "improvement."
Join me as we explore ways to navigate midlife with clarity, balance, and a renewed sense of purpose. Whether it's through self-reflection, embracing new goals, or simply finding joy in the everyday, I hope to inspire you to love your life and live it fully.
Thank you for being here, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Mel Wilson

Hi, I'm Mel, and I'm thrilled to have you here on my blog! Born in Brazil and raised in the UK, I've always had a deep love for travel and exploring different cultures. My journey took an interesting turn in my teenage years when I moved back to Brazil, sparking a lifelong fascination with diverse lifestyles and the richness they bring to our lives. In my professional life, I've travelled the globe for work, but it's only now, in midlife, that I'm truly embracing the experience of living abroad once again. My path hasn't always been straightforward. Like many of you, I've faced periods of significant change and challenge—losing my job at 50 was a pivotal moment for me. It led to a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth, teaching me the importance of kindness, compassion, patience, and resilience. Through this blog, I aim to share the insights and practical steps that have helped me transform my life. I believe in the power of small, consistent steps to create meaningful change—a philosophy rooted in the concept of Kaizen, which translates to "good change" or "improvement." Join me as we explore ways to navigate midlife with clarity, balance, and a renewed sense of purpose. Whether it's through self-reflection, embracing new goals, or simply finding joy in the everyday, I hope to inspire you to love your life and live it fully. Thank you for being here, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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