get ready for a better life

The Power of Affirmations: How to CHANGE Your Life Forever

June 03, 20246 min read



Have you ever looked for a simple way to improve your life? Affirmations are a humble yet effective way to rewire your mind with positive thoughts and emotions. 

When I recognised that I was not cut out for company life I was filled with self-doubt for what I could do next. I needed to give myself permission to look at alternatives and consider what could for me.

To take this first step, this permission to be curious, I’ve used the affirmation “I love exploring and finding my answers”. It’s helped to clear my path to learning new subjects and living in new places, so what else are affirmations good for?


Affirmation statistics

How Affirmations Can Help Us

Affirmations are a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By incorporating them into our daily routine, we can experience positive changes in our lives and achieving our goals.


1. Transforming Self-Doubt:

When I found myself doubting that I could live my life differently to how I had been doing my affirmation for exploring gave me enough of a shift in mindset to act and try.


2. Overcoming Fear:

If we are terrified of public speaking. We might try affirming “I am confident and capable of speaking in public.” Over time we would begin to feel more confident and eventually overcame our fear.

3. Improving Relationships:

If we are struggling with communication and trust issues with our partner we might affirm “I trust that we can communicate openly and honestly”. If both we and our partners work in this way our bond can be strengthened and improved.

4. Boosting Self-Esteem:

If we are struggling with low self-esteem, we could affirm “I trust in myself and my abilities”. Over time our self-worth and confidence would increase. This in turn would lead to a more positive outlook on life.

5. Reducing Stress:

If we are feeling overwhelmed with the stresses of daily life we could affirm “I am doing the best I can and that is enough”. As time passes this would help to reduce our stress and anxiety levels and we feel calmer and more centred.


Working with affirmations can offer us a wide range of benefits, from improving self-worth and confidence to enhancing mental and physical health, to increasing happiness and well-being.

When we incorporate affirmations into our daily routine, we can cultivate a more positive and empowering mindset that can have a lasting impact on our lives.


 How Affirmations Work

Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves to help us rewire our brain with positive thoughts and beliefs. Regular repetition of affirming statements about ourselves can encourage our brain to take these positive affirmations as fact.

When we truly believe we can do something, our actions often follow. For example, we might replace a negative or anxious thought with a positive one, leading to a more relaxed and confident mindset.

 Research suggests that affirmations work by engaging regions of the brain associated with positive valuation and self-processing. When we repeat affirmations, we’re creating new neural pathways that can help rewire the brain to think more positively. This can lead to changes in our behaviour, emotions, and overall well-being.

By incorporating affirmations into your daily routine, you can start to reprogram your mind with positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, leading to a more confident, resilient, and fulfilling life.


Why Don't More of us Use Affirmations?

Several factors explain why some of us choose to use affirmations and others not. These are some thoughts around why they are not for all of us:

1. Lack of sincerity and emotion:

If we don’t place emotion and meaning into our affirmations, they are ineffective.

2. Unrealistic expectations:

Affirmations may not work if they don’t seem real to us. We need to choose or create affirmations that resonate with us.

3. Lack of consistency:

If we aren’t consistent with our affirmation practice it stunts their influence and we may not see the change we hoped for.

4. Unaligned affirmations:

If we select affirmations that don’t align with our beliefs, they are likely to be ineffective. They need to resonate with us.


5. Negative self-talk:

Where our focus goes grows- if we focus more on negative self-talk instead of our affirmations, we will likely impede our progress.


6. Lack of understanding:

If we don’t understand how affirmations work or how to use them effectively, we are unlikely to see the changes we hope for.


Affirmations can be a helpful tool for self-improvement, but they work best when they are used together with other techniques, such as mindfulness and self-reflection. It’s crucial for us to focus on authenticity and sincerity when using affirmations, as this makes them effective.



Ways to Make the Most of Our Affirmations

 By incorporating affirmations into our daily routine, we can start to reprogram our mind with positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, leading to a more confident, resilient, and fulfilling life. These tips will ensure our affirmations as effective as possible:


1. Identify Unwholesome Beliefs:

The first step is to identify the negative thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that hold us back. These can be self-doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs that we’ve internalised over time.

2. Create Positive Affirmations:

Once we’ve identified the negative thoughts, create positive affirmations that counteract them. For example, if we struggle with self-doubt, our affirmation might be “I am capable and confident in my abilities.”

3. Repeat Affirmations:

We need to repeat our affirmations regularly, ideally at the same time each day, like first thing in the morning or just before bed. We can say them aloud, write them down or think them to ourselves. It’s the consistent repetition that matters.

4. Anchor Affirmations:

To make affirmations more effective, we can anchor them in our body by placing a hand on the area that corresponds to the affirmation. For example, if we’re affirming confidence, we can place our hand on our heart.


5. Breathe into Affirmations:

As we repeat our affirmations, we can breathe deeply and slowly, focusing on the sensation of the words in our body.


6. Get Feedback:

Share affirmations with a trusted friend or coach and ask them to repeat them back. This helps to reinforce the positive message and offers an opportunity for feedback.


7. Practice Consistency:

Consistency is key to making affirmations work. When we make them a part of our daily routine, we start to notice changes in our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

The best affirmations for us are the ones that resonate with us. We can think about what we wish to encourage in ourselves and then thinks of phrases that support the growth of that trait or mindset. It can be helpful to look at examples and then adjust the one that fits best for a perfect fit.

Start Your Affirmation Practice Today!

What do you want to change? Choose a phrase that is specific, positive, and present tense, make it personal to you. If you’re finding it difficult to believe your affirmation, try adding “I choose” to the beginning of it. This gives you a transition towards being.

Make sure your affirmations are not just words, but a reflection of your inner truth and a guide for your actions. Use your affirmations as a guide for making positive changes in your life. Repeat it several times each day.

We are what we think we are, let’s make that something positive by affirming it TODAY!



Hi, I'm Mel, and I'm thrilled to have you here on my blog! Born in Brazil and raised in the UK, I've always had a deep love for travel and exploring different cultures. My journey took an interesting turn in my teenage years when I moved back to Brazil, sparking a lifelong fascination with diverse lifestyles and the richness they bring to our lives.
In my professional life, I've travelled the globe for work, but it's only now, in midlife, that I'm truly embracing the experience of living abroad once again. My path hasn't always been straightforward. Like many of you, I've faced periods of significant change and challenge—losing my job at 50 was a pivotal moment for me. It led to a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth, teaching me the importance of kindness, compassion, patience, and resilience.
Through this blog, I aim to share the insights and practical steps that have helped me transform my life. I believe in the power of small, consistent steps to create meaningful change—a philosophy rooted in the concept of Kaizen, which translates to "good change" or "improvement."
Join me as we explore ways to navigate midlife with clarity, balance, and a renewed sense of purpose. Whether it's through self-reflection, embracing new goals, or simply finding joy in the everyday, I hope to inspire you to love your life and live it fully.
Thank you for being here, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Mel Wilson

Hi, I'm Mel, and I'm thrilled to have you here on my blog! Born in Brazil and raised in the UK, I've always had a deep love for travel and exploring different cultures. My journey took an interesting turn in my teenage years when I moved back to Brazil, sparking a lifelong fascination with diverse lifestyles and the richness they bring to our lives. In my professional life, I've travelled the globe for work, but it's only now, in midlife, that I'm truly embracing the experience of living abroad once again. My path hasn't always been straightforward. Like many of you, I've faced periods of significant change and challenge—losing my job at 50 was a pivotal moment for me. It led to a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth, teaching me the importance of kindness, compassion, patience, and resilience. Through this blog, I aim to share the insights and practical steps that have helped me transform my life. I believe in the power of small, consistent steps to create meaningful change—a philosophy rooted in the concept of Kaizen, which translates to "good change" or "improvement." Join me as we explore ways to navigate midlife with clarity, balance, and a renewed sense of purpose. Whether it's through self-reflection, embracing new goals, or simply finding joy in the everyday, I hope to inspire you to love your life and live it fully. Thank you for being here, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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